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Last Updated: 21 October 2018


Get inspired by our amazing collection of the best motivational fitness quotes.


Motivational Fitness Quotes1. Eat. Move. Speak. Act.
Motivational Fitness Quotes2. Work for strong, not skinny.
Motivational Fitness Quotes3. Make progress or make excuses.
Motivational Fitness Quotes4. It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. When you implement that effort into your life, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs. Keep going! Remember why you started!
Motivational Fitness Quotes5. You don’t have to eat less, you just have to eat right.
Motivational Fitness Quotes6. I will never give up!
Motivational Fitness Quotes7. The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape. It’s getting your mind in shape.
Motivational Fitness Quotes8. Hey You! I’m the Fitness Fairy. I just sprinkled motivation dust on you. Now Go and move your ass! This shit is expensive!
Motivational Fitness Quotes9. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.
Motivational Fitness Quotes10. Health is not about the weight you lose, but about the life you gain.
Motivational Fitness Quotes11. I believe in the person I want to become.
Motivational Fitness Quotes12. Discipline is doing what needs to be done even if you don’t want to.
Motivational Fitness Quotes13. It’s OKAY if you failed yesterday. Today is a NEW day. Try Again!
Motivational Fitness Quotes14. Workout so you can: Feel Great; Sleep Better; Be Healthy; Live Longer!
Motivational Fitness Quotes15. It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up.
Motivational Fitness Quotes16. I’m working on myself for myself by myself.
Motivational Fitness Quotes17. Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it.
Motivational Fitness Quotes18. When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.
Motivational Fitness Quotes19. It’s the days when the body aches, the desire is low and you feel tired and weak. Those are the days when champions train.
Motivational Fitness Quotes20. It’s hard to get fit, but it’s harder to look in the mirror and dislike what you see.


The post 50 Motivational Fitness Quotes To Inspire You To Keep Pushing appeared first on FitXL.

3 Major Benefits Of Warm Lemon Water In The Morning Fri, 07 Sep 2018 20:27:08 +0000 The health benefits of lemons are powerful. Lemons contain powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting components. Tags: lemons, morning, warm lemon water, health, fitness, weight loss

The post 3 Major Benefits Of Warm Lemon Water In The Morning appeared first on FitXL.


by Mike Geary – Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of Best-sellers: The Fat-Burning Kitchen & The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging


According to a leading health publication,

“The health promoting benefits of lemons are powerful. For centuries, it has been known that lemons contain powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting components. We know that lemons are a great digestive aid and liver cleanser. 

Lemons contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and limonene, which supercharge our immunity so that the body can fight infection.

Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat. This may seem untrue as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized. The minerals in lemons are actually what helps to alkalize the blood.  Most people are too acidic (from eating too much sugar and grains), and drinking warm lemon water helps reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints.

This reduces the pain and inflammation which many people feel. And the American Cancer Society recommends warm lemon water to encourage regular bowel movements.”


Benefits that you can enjoy:


1. Improves your digestion:

Lemon juice helps your body improve digestion and stimulates bile production. Lemon juice can even be an aid for heartburn and indigestion.

2. Boosts your energy for the day:

Even just the scent of lemon juice has been shown to improve your mood and energy levels, and reduce anxiety.  Plus the detoxifying effect and alkalizing effect of fresh organic lemon juice can improve your energy through the removal of toxins from your body.

3. Helps you to lose fat:

Since lemon juice helps to improve your digestive system, aids in removal of toxins, and increases your energy levels, this all combines together to help you to lose body fat as well through improving your hormonal balance… Yet another reason to add warm lemon water to your daily morning routine!

That’s a pretty simple trick, right?

Now for the great news…


Here’s what you should do next…

I want to share with you how to find plenty of delicious foods, spices, herbs, and nutrients that:

  • Naturally boost your energy, 
  • KILL joint pain,
  • Lower your blood pressure,
  • Fight diabetes & control blood sugar,
  • Boost your brain health,
  • HEAL your digestion problems,
  • and Boost your metabolism on this page on my website.


You will also discover over a dozen surprising tricks you can use daily to FIGHT aging, helping you to look 5-10 years Younger… CLICK HERE to discover unique and delicious anti-aging foods, spices, herbs, teas, and other potent youth-enhancing nutrients.

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Benefits of Warm Lemon Water
Benefits of Warm Lemon Water

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6 Changes You Can Make To Overcome Diabetes Fri, 07 Sep 2018 19:25:04 +0000 The information here pertains to Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. Here are the most significant changes you can make. Tags: prevent diabetes, cure diabetes, get rid of diabetes, health, fitness

The post 6 Changes You Can Make To Overcome Diabetes appeared first on FitXL.

This article is reproduced from an answer on Quora by Cher Pastore , Registered Dietician, Certified Diabetes Educator and Author, who responded to the question “What are the steps to be taken to overcome diabetes?


Diabetes is a complex disease. There are many different types of diabetes including Type 1, Type 2, Pre diabetes and gestational. The information here pertains to Type 2 diabetes and pre diabetes. The most significant changes you can make are:


1. Avoid highly processed foods

People are consuming the greatest quantity of processed foods now more than any other time in history. However, most people don’t even know how dangerous they are. Recent studies show that processed foods are linked to many common diseases including diabetes,heart disease, certain cancers and obesity. Can you believe so many diseases can come from the foods you eat? The processed foods I am talking about are anything made with white flour, artificial sweeteners, cakes, cookies, pastries, breakfast cereals, soft drinks, sugary “fruit” drinks, cheese food, frozen dinners, and processed meat products (sausage, bologna, bacon, packaged ham, etc.) canned food, and refined sugars (including high fructose corn syrup). Most processed foods are stripped of all nutrients and are high in sugar, fat, salt and calories.


2. Avoid red meat and most animal products

In addition to avoiding highly processed foods, eating fewer animal products will have a huge impact on your health. Eating fewer animal products is the key to preventing chronic diseases including obesity, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes because animal products are high in saturated fat and cholesterol and are often polluted by hormones and antibiotics. The biggest problems with animal products in this country are how they are produced and that we are consuming too much of them. Studies have shown that a small increase in red meat can increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Start to decrease your consumption of animal protein and you will reduce your risk of getting diabetes.


3. Eat whole natural foods

Eating a whole foods diet means maximizing your nutrient intake and obtaining your foods from natural sources while avoiding the highly processed foods. Whole natural foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes and whole grains.

When you consume more whole foods, the amount of highly processed foods you eat will naturally and easily fall by the wayside. Choose whole foods as often as possible while avoiding foods like white bread, crackers, chips, candies and cookies.



4. Eat your vegetables and (some) fruit

It may sound cliché and kind of boring but it is true and very important. The typical American diet today includes very little vegetables. Vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, water and fiber – all of which are important for your body to function optimally. In addition,they are low in calories so they are your best friend when trying to lose weight. Most vegetables can be eaten in abundance – some you have to count as a “carb”. For example the more starchy vegetables include corn, peas, potatoes, beets, and some squashes like acorn and butternut. While they are nutritious, you do have to monitor the quantity consumed for optimal blood sugar control. Studies show that people who eat more fruits and vegetables daily dramatically reduce their risk of getting Type 2 diabetes.


5. Control your carbohydrate intake

It is important to limit your carbohydrate intake and know where your carbs are coming from. For an in depth review of this pick up a copy of my book The 28 Day Blood Sugar Miracle.


6. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!!

Being physically active is one of the most important things you can do for your body. Our society has evolved into one where if you didn’t go out of your way to exercise you wouldn’t have any physical activity at all. You could wake up, drive to work, sit at your desk all day, eat lunch at your desk, go home, eat dinner, watch television, go to sleep. Does that sound familiar? This is a big problem facing our society. This type of living is what leads to obesity, high blood pressure, prediabetes and potentially Type 2 diabetes. It really must change. You need to make physical activity part of your daily routine.


To learn more about overcoming type 2 or pre diabetes pick up a copy of my book: The 28-Day Blood Sugar Miracle: A Revolutionary Diet Plan to Get Your Diabetes Under Control in Less Than 30 Days: Cher Pastore MS RD CDE: 9781624142123:


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How to overcome diabetes
How to overcome diabetes


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3 Easy Tricks To Make Your Coffee Super Healthy Fri, 07 Sep 2018 18:35:42 +0000 Coffee could be extremely GOOD for you if you do it right. Tags: black coffee, morning, weight loss, health, fitness, organic, healthy coffee, drinks, energy.

The post 3 Easy Tricks To Make Your Coffee Super Healthy appeared first on FitXL.


by Mike Geary – Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of Best-sellers: The Fat-Burning Kitchen & The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging


Mmm, coffee… almost everybody drinks it… some people have 3-4 cups per day or more.

But most people don’t think of it as a “health drink”. And it’s certainly NOT healthy the way most people make it with loads of added sugar or artificial sweeteners and artificial creamers.

But I’ll give you my tips here on how I make a healthier cup of coffee and what to watch out for…

First, you may have seen debate in the past about how coffee has some compounds in it that could have negative health effects such as small amounts of acrylamides or other possibly harmful compounds in brewed coffee. But, the good news is that coffee has such high concentrations of beneficial antioxidants, phenolic nutrients, chlorogenic acids, and other healthy compounds, that it more than counteracts any bad compounds.

In fact, coffee provides the biggest source of antioxidants for most Americans… although that mostly has to do with the fact that many Americans don’t get enough antioxidants from fruits and veggies, so coffee ends up being their biggest source. You should try to diversify your sources of antioxidants from fruits, veggies, spices, herbs, berries, beans, unsweetened organic cocoa, teas, and yes, even coffee if you like it.

So what’s the best way to make a healthy cup of coffee? Well, here’s my 3 most important tricks to maximize the benefits of coffee and minimize the negatives:


1. Use Organic Maple Syrup, Natural Stevia Or Coconut Sugar

First of all, you need to AVOID adding any refined sugar or harmful artificial sweeteners.

What I do instead is use either a very small touch of organic maple syrup or a half packet of natural stevia to just lightly sweeten my coffee. I’ve also become a big fan of coconut sugar recently, and this is healthier than plain sugar because it does contain some minerals and other nutrients, and has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar. On the other hand, if you like your coffee black with no sweetener at all, that’s the healthiest way.

If you’re getting your coffee at a coffee shop, make sure to avoid all of those fancy specialty coffees (sweetened flavored lattes, frappuccinos, etc) as they are almost ALWAYS loaded with extra sugars or artificial sweeteners. Some of those fancy coffee drinks at Starbucks or other coffee shops can have 300-400 calories in just one coffee! Definitely not good for your body or your blood sugar or insulin levels.

A latte or cappucino can be okay as long as you make sure to ask for it unsweetened, and then use your own stevia if you need a light sweet taste. Since almost every coffee shop only has either sugar or artificial sweeteners as options, I always carry packets of stevia on me when I know I might be getting coffee at a coffee shop on a particular day.


2. Use REAL Full-Fat Cream

You also should try to AVOID at all costs any of those terrible artificial creamers (liquid or powder), which are usually made with corn syrup solids and hydrogenated oils (harmful trans fats). Instead, use a little bit of REAL full-fat cream (organic grass-fed if you can find it, as the CLA and vitamin K2 in grass-fed cream can be very healthy). The brand that I’ve found at many grocery stores is Organic Valley and they have an option for a pasture-raised cream that is really good!

Or, if I can’t get grass-fed cream, what I’ve also been using for a while now is coconut cream as one of the healthiest creamer alternatives. I get this by buying cans of organic coconut milk, and then after opening the can (shake the can well before opening), I store the coconut milk in the fridge in a container. Note that the cans of coconut milk are much creamier and better as a coffee creamer than those cartons of “coconut milk drink” which are just watered down coconut milk.

The thick creamy coconut milk is the healthiest option for coffee creamer because it’s loaded with super healthy saturated fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are known to boost your immune system and your metabolism! Plus, coconut milk in coffee is just plain delicious! It’s the best healthy creamer option by far aside from just using real grass-fed dairy cream.

When people visit my house and we make a pot of coffee, many times I’ll have them try the coconut cream in their coffee and almost everyone always comments how much they love it!


3. Add Some Cinnamon Or Organic Cocoa Powder

If you want to load your coffee up with more healthy antioxidants and good taste, consider trying some added cinnamon to your coffee (cinnamon can help control blood sugar and has many other health benefits). It’s also really tasty in coffee!

I also occasionally like to add a teaspoon of organic cocoa powder (non-sweetened) to my coffee to make my own sort of mocha coffee (but without the loads of sugar in a typical mocha you’d get at the coffee shop, so just use a little stevia to sweeten). The added cocoa powder also gives you great taste and a good dose of extra healthy antioxidants (and cocoa is also known for helping to lower blood pressure!)

I personally only drink 1 cup of coffee per day, because I don’t want to overdose on caffeine and don’t want to get addicted to caffeine like some people are. Also, excessive amounts of caffeine can cause adrenal fatigue over time in some people. I usually even mix my beans half regular and half decaf to reduce the caffeine amount per cup.

I see people that drink 3-4 cups per day that get a massive headache if they don’t have their daily coffee due to caffeine withdrawal. I choose to avoid this addiction by only drinking 1 cup per day max. I drink various teas like green, oolong, black, and white teas at other times, which are much lower in caffeine. Or I like to use rooibos or other herbal teas many times which have no caffeine at all.

But despite the caffeine content, there is loads of data that show the high antioxidant levels and health benefits to coffee.


Lastly, it’s extremely important to choose organic coffee beans, as conventional coffee is one of the most heavily treated crops with pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Remember that one of the many health risks with these chemicals is that some pesticides can act as “xenoestrogens” in your body, disrupting hormone balance for both men and women. Chronic xenoestrogen exposure can also be one cause of “stubborn abdominal fat” in both sexes as well as “man boobs” in men… so choose organic as often as you can with most foods, but especially with coffee!

Enjoy your coffee and these additions that we talked about in this article, knowing that it can actually do your body good in moderation!



Although coffee can be a super-healthy choice for a lean, healthy, & strong body as well as keeping your digestive system healthy…if you follow the tips you just learned…

… on this page on my website, I want to share with you exactly why you should STOP eating foods like whole wheat bread, vegetable oil, sugar, soy, and even some ‘heart healthy’ foods, as well as how these foods are silently KILLING you and your family.

I’ll show you 23 so-called “healthy” foods you NEED TO AVOID if you want to be healthy and get a flat stomach.  I’ll also show you which surprising foods you thought were unhealthy that can actually BOOST your metabolism and flatten your belly:

These 23 “healthy” foods HARM your metabolism & pack on belly fat (avoid these!)


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Make Your Coffee Healthier
Make Your Coffee Healthier

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Top 10 Spices That Boost Your Metabolism And Protect Your Body Fri, 07 Sep 2018 15:40:04 +0000 10 powerful spices that help control blood sugar, reduce inflammation, boost your metabolism, aid fat loss, and reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. Tags: spices, health, fitness, weight loss, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, thyme, oregano, cloves, cayenne, basil.

The post Top 10 Spices That Boost Your Metabolism And Protect Your Body appeared first on FitXL.


by Mike Geary – Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of Best-sellers: The Fat-Burning Kitchen & The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging


Every time you flavor your meals with herbs or spices you are supercharging your food without adding a single calorie. You can transform something ordinary and bland into something truly extraordinary tasting and good for your body, just by generously adding herbs and spices to your meals.

Did you know that certain herbs and spices contain a wide variety of some of the most potent antioxidants of any food? In fact, many herbs and spices rank even higher in antioxidant activity than many fruits and vegetables, with some spices such as cloves, turmeric, and cinnamon having as much as 10-50x more antioxidants measured by ORAC value (on a weight to weight comparison) compared to blueberries.

The benefits of the antioxidants in spices include some very powerful protection against many serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s, and overall aging.

Herbs and spices add tons of extra flavor, and when combined with the nutrition in other foods, they actually exponentially boost the natural antioxidants, phytonutrients, and anti-inflammatory power of the food.


Besides the super antioxidants, herbs and spices can also:

  • Aid Fat Burning and Boost Metabolism – many herbs and spices are thermogenic, which means they naturally help to increase metabolism, partly because they are so nutrient-dense.
  • Help Stabilize Blood Sugar – Some spices are also good at regulating blood sugar and controlling insulin–even as good as some diabetic drugs! When your blood sugar is well controlled, you are more likely to burn fat and not store calories as excess weight.
  • Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Properties –Scientific studies show that herbs and spices can actually work as well or better than some medications at calming inflammation without the negative side effects of isolated drugs.
  • Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal – Many herbs and spices contain properties that effectively kill dangerous pathogens like viruses, bacteria and stubborn fungi. The natural properties in these foods work against many microbes that are resistant to conventional medications.


Here are 10 of the most potent superfood herbs and spices you can eat:

1. Basil – Basil is a very effective anti-inflammatory herb with extraordinary healing benefits that work for arthritis, allergies, and inflammatory bowel conditions, to name a just a few. In addition, basil helps kill harmful bacteria that cause food poisoning including: Listeria, Staph, and E. coli O:157:H7.

Basil is also an excellent source of beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radical damage. Free radical damage is the primary cause of heart disease, cancer, and many other serious health conditions, as well as aging. Because of its dark green color, it is an excellent source of vitamin K, calcium and magnesium, which is good for the bones. It is also a great source of iron, manganese, vitamin C and potassium.  Use both fresh basil and dried basil generously in your foods to maximize it’s benefits.

2. Cinnamon – This ancient spice has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any spice. Cinnamon is highly effective at helping to stabilize blood sugar levels, making it very effective for those with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). In one study of people with type 2 diabetes, just two teaspoons a day reduced blood sugar as much as 20-30%, as well as lowering LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Cinnamon also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and helps relieve pain and stiffness in muscles and joints, including arthritis. Cinnamon has a positive effect on brain function, and smelling cinnamon, or chewing cinnamon flavored gum, can possibly help improve memory and attention. Cinnamon also reduces inflammation in blood vessels that leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease, as well as having antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Try cinnamon in your smoothies, yogurt, healthy baking recipes, oatmeal, mixed with berries, or as a healthy addition in your coffee or tea.

3. Cayenne – This hot spice not only heats up your dishes, it heats up your body and raises your metabolism, helping you burn fat faster. And an interesting research study showed that when a person consumed an appetizer with red pepper flakes, they ate 15% less food. And for those of you who avoid cayenne because you think it bothers your stomach, cayenne pepper is actually healing to stomach tissues, it stimulates digestive enzymes, and helps prevent stomach ulcers.

Cayenne reduces LDL blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and decreases the formation of harmful blood clots, all of which prevent heart attacks and strokes. And, cayenne is a very effective anti-inflammatory and pain remedy for everything from headaches to arthritis and sore muscles, as well as clearing nasal congestion and boosting immunity.

Try cayenne in your morning eggs, in soups, stews, chili, or meatloaf for a little metabolism boosting spice!

4. Cloves – Cloves have a unique sweet and spicy flavor, but also contain powerful natural medicine. Cloves have strong antiseptic and germicidal ingredients that help fight infections, relieve digestive problems, and arthritis pain. One of cloves’ best known uses is its ability to relieve tooth and gum pain.  Cloves have been measured as having THE highest antioxidant level (ORAC value) of all spices and herbs.

The oil in cloves kills bacteria and is very effective when applied to scrapes, cuts, fungal infections, itchy rashes, bites, burns, or bruises. Cloves also help digestive problems like gas, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, and eliminate harmful parasites, bacteria and fungus in the digestive system. And the smell of cloves helps to encourage mental creativity too.

Cloves can be a great healthy addition to hot teas.

5. Cumin – Cumin is another spice that is especially high in antioxidants, but cumin is known for being especially good for digestion. It stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas to secrete enzymes and bile that break down food into usable nutrients your body can use. Cumin also helps detoxify the body, and is highly effective for respiratory disorders like asthma and bronchitis.

Cumin, like cinnamon, helps keep blood sugar levels stable, which means cumin is great for diabetics or pre-diabetics, and it means less chance of weight gain and excess body fat. Cumin has been proven to work as well as some commonly used diabetic drugs at regulating insulin and glycogen. Cumin is also a very good source of iron, vitamin C and vitamin A, which benefit the immune system.

Cumin goes great in chili!

6. Turmeric – Turmeric’s yellow-orange pigment, curcumin, is the main active ingredient in this super spice. Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory benefits are actually comparable to drugs like hydrocortisone and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines like Advil and Motrin. But, unlike the drugs, curcumin is not toxic at all.

Curcumin is more effective slowing down the development of Alzheimer’s disease than many medications, because it decreases inflammation and oxidation in the brain. This spice also speeds up the recovery time from strokes as well. Turmeric and its active ingredient, curcumin, are also highly effective against diseases like irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, and arthritis. Turmeric also improves liver function, lowers homocysteine and prevents heart disease.

Most importantly, turmeric is one of the most potent anti-cancer spices that helps protect you.  Turmeric and it’s derivatives are currently being studied in alternative cancer treatments.

Try this trick:  Using black pepper along with turmeric (I use this combo in my eggs every morning) helps to increase the absorption of turmeric’s curcumin in the body.

7. Rosemary – Rosemary contains active ingredients that are potent antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory agents. Rosemary has long been known to improve concentration, boost memory, and lift depression. Rosemary also strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, stimulates digestion, and fights cancer, as well.

Rosemary is highly effective for respiratory problems including asthma, chest congestion, and respiratory infections. While rosemary adds a delicious savory flavor to meat dishes, it also helps digestion by stimulating the gallbladder to release bile as well. Rosemary will protect your body against harmful carcinogenic toxins and prevents colon cancer, stomach, breast, and lung cancer.

Fun fact:  If you’re going to grill meats, marinating meats for hours beforehand in liquid mixtures that contain rosemary and other herbs/spices can dramatically help to reduce HCA’s (heterocyclic amines), which are carcinogenic compounds that can form when meats are grilled.  So using rosemary, thyme, garlic, oregano and other spices in a meat marinade before grilling meats can drastically reduce any carcinogens that normally would form on grilled meat.

The antioxidants in rosemary and thyme from a marinade were specifically cited in studies at being powerful inhibitors of HCA formation when grilling meats.  But it was also noted that other spices such as garlic, oregano, and others can help to prevent HCA formation as well, so I suggest using a variety, which tastes great anyway!

One more important point about grilling meat: Remember that the more well-done a meat is cooked, the higher concentration of carcinogenic HCA’s can form, so rare, medium-rare, or medium are healthier choices than well-done.  I’ve never understood why anybody would want to ruin a good steak by burning it to oblivion anyway.  But hey, if you’re one of those folks that likes your steaks well-done, just remember that you’re eating a lot more carcinogens than a steak that’s cooked less, so make sure to load up on your antioxidants (spices, teas, berries, etc) to help combat those extra carcinogens.

Washing down your barbequed meal with a glass of unsweetened iced tea (rich in antioxidants) and also a good salad with lots of raw veggies can provide the antioxidants needed to counteract the effect of HCAs in your body from grilled meat.

By the way, even charring vegetables on the grill creates different carcinogens such as acrylamides, so don’t think that the negative effect of charring only applies to meats.

8. Ginger – Ginger is VERY powerful for your health!  Ginger contains over 25 different antioxidants, which makes it extremely effective at fighting free radicals in many different body systems. Ginger is best known for its ability to reduce nausea and vomiting, as well as motion sickness. In fact, ginger may even be more effective than Dramamine, one of the most common drugs used for motion sickness. And because ginger does not have harmful side effects like many drugs, it is very good for nausea from pregnancy. Studies actually show that just 1 gram of ginger before surgery is more effective than the standard anti-nausea medication given for post surgical nausea and vomiting.

Ginger is also a soothing remedy for sore throats from colds and flu because of its antiviral properties. Ginger also helps coughs and is an effective expectorant. Try a tea made with hot water simmered with a few slices of ginger and a small amount of honey and lemon for a soothing tonic when you are sick.

Because ginger is such a strong anti-inflammatory, it helps reduce the pain and swelling of arthritis, and muscle aches. Ginger also fights cancer, reduces cholesterol, and prevents blood clots that lead to strokes or heart disease.  I like to use a slice of ginger root in my hot teas sometimes, in our batches of iced teas, and of course, I love piling ginger on top of sushi!  I take a couple capsules of ginger daily since it’s not as frequently used in dishes as some other spices.

9. Oregano – This herb contains an oil that is a very potent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral agent, rosmarinic acid (also found in rosemary).   Oregano oil has been used to treat a wide range of conditions from bacterial and viral infections, to parasites and stubborn fungal infections. Although the oil of oregano is most often used for medicinal purposes, the herb itself can provide many of the same benefits when consumed regularly.

Oregano also relieves inflammation, internal or external, and can offer relief from allergies, aches and pain, without side effects.  Oregano is very high on the ORAC scale of measured antioxidant value.

10. Thyme — Thyme’s active ingredient is known for treating bronchitis, sore throats, chest congestion, laryngitis and asthma. Thyme is so effective it is often an ingredient in cough drops and mouthwashes to treat inflammation and infections. Thyme is also effective as a soothing stomach aid to relieve gastritis, indigestion and colic.

Thyme helps prevent cancer, improve memory, treat Alzheimer’s, calm the nerves, and alleviate depression, nightmares, and insomnia. An interesting new discovery about thyme shows that it actually boosts the amount of DHA (an important ingredient in omega 3 fatty acids) in the brain, heart and kidney cells.

Here are some other health benefits of some of the most popular herbs and spices:

  • Rosemary, turmeric, ginger and basil are powerful anti-inflammatories.
  • Cumin, turmeric, and sage help fight dementia.
  • Cayenne, cumin, coriander and cinnamon help to regulate insulin and blood sugar, aiding fat loss.
  • Lemon grass, nutmeg, bay leaves and saffron have a calming effect.
  • Garlic, mustard seed, hawthorne, and chicory are excellent for the heart.
  • Basil and thyme help your skin become softer and smoother.
  • Turmeric, garlic, basil, cinnamon, thyme, saffron, garlic and ginger boost the immune system.
  • Coriander, rosemary, cayenne, allspice and black pepper can help banish depression.

There are 3 specific spices that I personally believe are so powerful that I try to take them in daily capsule form as well, since they may not always be used in my daily meals… and those are:

Turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger.  They’re very cheap in capsule form too.  I usually take 2 capsules per day of each of these spices unless I use large amounts in certain dishes like a curry dish for example.

Spice up your life a bit, and enjoy all of those super health benefits!

Note: Always check with your physician to be sure certain herbs and spices don’t interfere with medications you may be taking—and check with your doctor before you quit any current medications.


Here’s what to do next:

On this page on my website, I will show you the SOLUTION to stop being tricked by the food industry and start taking control for yourself to get a lean body, flat stomach, and prevent diseases like cancer and diabetes.

I’ll show you 23 so-called “healthy” foods you NEED TO AVOID if you want to be healthy and get a flat stomach.  I’ll also show you which surprising foods you thought were unhealthy that can actually BOOST your metabolism and flatten your belly:

These 23 “healthy” foods HARM your metabolism & pack on belly fat (avoid these!)


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Spcies to Boost Metabolism and Protect Your Body
Spcies to Boost Metabolism and Protect Your Body

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Top 10 Foods To Eat In The Morning [Infographic] Fri, 21 Jul 2017 15:57:15 +0000 A look at some of the best breakfast foods.

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Authority Nutrition: The 12 Best Foods to Eat in the Morning
Health: The 20 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast
Eat This: 37 Breakfast Foods For Optimal Weight Loss


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The 10 Best Low-Carb Vegetables [Infographic] Fri, 21 Jul 2017 15:49:01 +0000 A list of the 10 best low-carb vegetables to include in your diet.

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Diet Doctor: Low-Carb Vegetables – the Best and the Worst
BodyBuilding: The Ultimate List Of 40 Low-Carb Foods
KetoDietApp: Complete Keto Diet Food List: What to Eat and Avoid
Authority Nutrition: The 21 Best Low-Carb Vegetables


The post The 10 Best Low-Carb Vegetables [Infographic] appeared first on FitXL.

Top 10 Butter Substitutes Options [Infographic] Fri, 21 Jul 2017 15:37:04 +0000 The various ingredients that can be used as butter alternatives.

The post Top 10 Butter Substitutes Options [Infographic] appeared first on FitXL.




Dr. Axe: What’s the Best, Healthiest Butter Substitute?
Authority Nutrition: What Are the Best Substitutes for Butter?
Everyday Health: 6 Healthy Alternatives to Butter


The post Top 10 Butter Substitutes Options [Infographic] appeared first on FitXL.
